Being Connected

Todd Egan, Legacy Partner

Making connections to people, issues and events is a significant reason that longtime Colorado Public Radio member Todd Egan added CPR as a beneficiary in his estate plan, making him a Legacy Partner.
Understanding points of view that are different from his own is a recurring theme for Todd. "I want to know what people outside of Denver think about fracking," for example, he says of hydraulic fracturing, just one of the variety of news stories he hears every day on Colorado Public Radio.
"It's not just political coverage, regulations and new laws, but CPR keeps me connected to the local artists and local happenings too," he says. He adds that weekly conversations on "All Things Considered" with contributors E.J. Dionne and David Brooks are examples of the various perspectives that he appreciates from CPR.
Connecting the World Around Him
Todd mentions world and national news, on CPR as well as "Colorado Matters," which he describes as "inside, local news you don't get anywhere else." He describes CPR as "a fair arbiter, balanced way to get news across the state." He adds, "It's an invaluable resource to me, whether it's coverage from a neighborhood or the eastern plains or the central mountain regions."
While spending a year and a half living in Ireland, the Denver native says that he was particularly interested in learning what Europeans think of Americans. He remembers when the local television channel began carrying a live feed of Denver coverage of the shootings at Columbine High School. Connecting the world around him to his own has always been a fascination for Todd. It's what he appreciates about Colorado Public Radio.
Outside of his work in data warehousing for a major communications company, Todd is an avid outdoorsman and landscape photographer. He formerly worked with acclaimed Colorado photographer John Fielder. Two of his favorite Colorado escapes are Indian Peaks for the day and the Weminuche Wilderness in southwest Colorado for the weekend.
Providing for the Future
Todd remembers when he made his first pledge to Colorado Public Radio. "I felt like I was taking advantage of this incredible resource, and I felt that it was my responsibility to keep it flourishing." He says, "Selfishly, I didn't want it to go away. Of course I want to provide for my 8-year-old daughter, Gillian, and her college," Todd says about being a Legacy Partner. "But Colorado is my home and has always been in my heart."
CPR is one of two organizations that he's left in his will. Not only does he want to make sure they continue after he's gone, but he hopes his daughter will enjoy both organizations for the rest of her life.
For Todd, CPR is an important resource because it helps educate Coloradans about issues of significance to our state. "Supporting CPR is a high priority for me because you can't get the same information from other news sources," he says. "The news and information CPR shares is both a mile wide and a mile deep." He adds, "I want CPR to continue to inform people because big policy discussions can impact seemingly trivial parts of Coloradans' lives. People are moving here and we need to know if we'll be able to water our lawns."
Contact Joann Wooley at 303-871-9191, Ext. 4312 or [email protected] to learn how you can make an impact on the future of Colorado Public Radio.