A Wake-Up Call

Have you ever awakened in Egypt one morning and on the top of a fourteener the next? Have you ever found yourself on the Senate floor before you've even thrown back the covers? Bill and Sharon Elfenbein have, because these loyal listeners wake up to "Morning Edition" every day to learn what is happening in the world.
Longtime donors Bill and Sharon are also Legacy Partners. One day while relaxing and enjoying the stories on "Morning Edition," the Elfenbeins decided to make a personal commitment and name CPR in their estate plan as a beneficiary of their charitable remainder trust. As Legacy Partners, the Elfenbeins have made a commitment to support CPR's future programming with a planned gift.
For Bill, "CPR is the only legitimate news source available." Like many supporters and listeners, the Elfenbeins depend on CPR to stay informed and hear perspectives from Colorado and beyond. In addition to in-depth news, they enjoy the eclectic storytelling found on public radio. One story that has stayed with them over the years was a piece on "This American Life" that followed an 8-year-old girl's search for understanding as her parents went through a divorce. Stories about family, relationships and reconciliation inspire and intrigue the Elfenbeins. Their estate gift allows them to make the "ultimate impact," as they call it, by supporting stories that will captivate future audiences.
In addition to CPR, Bill and Sharon support other community institutions. As Sharon stated,"We strongly believe in giving back when we can to the institutions we value most-either with time or with contributions."
Many of these institutions, including CPR, have made a personal impact on their lives or their children's lives. Their hope is for this impact to continue to be felt by future generations.
If CPR touches your heart in a personal way, if you have a curious spirit and enjoy balanced in-depth news, or if your day starts with CPR—please consider joining the Elfenbeins with a gift through your estate. We're happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact Joann Wooley at 303-871-9191, Ext. 4312 or [email protected].